Say YES to the PRESS…

Good Morning Everyone!  This is my feeble attempt at cheerful this A.M.–in reality I’m so completely exhausted!  So I’ve pushed aside the Old Faithful Drip O’Matic Coffee this morning and I had to bust out the BIG GUNS:  French Press

Last night–ALL night–my Littlest Little was up crying off and on–she’s teething. UGH!  I feel awful for her and I’m trying to soothe her as best as I possibly can.  I just wish those blasted things would come in and we can all have more peaceful nights and days.

Anywho, back to French Press–have you ever had it?  It’s my go to fall morning beverage.  I know I’m a little early with the “Fall” talk, but this form of brew is a little stronger than my regular and it’s VERY much needed this morning after being granted only 4 hours of sleep last night.  When I was in my 20’s–before the Littles graced me–I could eat 4 hours of sleep for breakfast, lunch and dinner!  Now that I’m in my 30’s with the 2 girls and countless other responsibilities–4 hours of sleep feels like a parcel of food lodged in my throat!

So here I sit, the girls are quiet eating their morning before breakfast snacks, I’m sipping on my cup of Diesel Fuel and having my morning devotions and praying that God will ever so kindly remove the grumpies and replace my mood with happy thoughts and a more rested attitude!

What are some of the ways you handle teething in your house?


“Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.  My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.”

Psalm 63:7-8